Fivestarman-The Five Passions of Authentic Manhood
Description: 6″ x 9″; Paperback; 182 pages.
Previously Listed Price: $19.95
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Fivestarman-The Five Passions of Authentic Manhood
In his book, Fivestarman-The Five Passions of Authentic Manhood, Neil Kennedy digs deep into the five passions of authentic manhood. When God created Man, His original intent placed within Man a deep reservoir of purpose.
Flowing within that reservoir is a commodity worth more than gold. It truly is the currency of your life. If you can gain understanding of it, you will never again be concerned about the subsistence level of living – clothes, cars, and cottages. You will be able to focus on what really matters – which is the purpose of your existence as an authentic man.
Original intent is foundational to understanding who you are and what you are to do as an authentic man. Original intent can be described as rivers that flow within you—passions relating to the original purposes that are inherent to authentic manhood. Neil identifies these five passions in his book as:
- an Adventurous spirit,
- the Entrepreneurial drive,
- Gallant in relationships,
- Faithfulness of character, and
- Philanthropic in cause.
What Others Are Saying About The Book
“MEN! Neil Kennedy has a book out there called “Fivestarman.” This is a must read if you want to become a better man! I have read a third of the book, and am already challenged to run to my destiny. You will not be disappointed! I will be so bold as to tell you, if you are not happy with, and challenged after reading this book, I will buy it from you.” – John
“Wow, what a great introduction into the book the FivestarMan. I overlook so many things in the Bible sometimes, looking for the “spiritual things”. When they’re right in front of me. This should be a fundamental thing that is taught right out of the womb! I’m thankful about this book!” – Adrian
“In the last two days, while I was waiting with my wife in the hospital, I read the book FIVESTARMAN. I believe it is God speaking to men. I wept several times. I will never be the same!” – Mike
“I attended the Fivestarman Encounter, I was so amazed at the message I received. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Neil’s opening video really hit me hard, it was the letter he was writing about a man at the outdoor cafe, almost like he was talking about me. After 48 years of wandering, I finally feel that I have found my purpose in Life and owe it all to God for leading me to this message!!” – Bill