God’s Currency-Bulk Purchase
Description: 6″ x 9″; Paperback; 162 pages.
This Order Includes: Set of 10 God’s Currency Books
Suggested Price: $150.00
Shipping: $10 Flat Rate per 10 Books
Set of 10 God’s Currency Books
Every man has within himself a deep desire to meet the needs of his household, grant the desires of his family, and to finance his purpose. This fundamental drive far exceeds the thirst for cars, clothes, and cottages — it’s about his cause. It’s a God-given entrepreneurial drive.
In God’s Currency, Neil Kennedy teaches you how to tap into this Divine deposit and discover the well of potential within. Man-made currencies are not God’s currencies. God’s currency is far superior. When you gain understanding how this Divine exchange occurs you will never again face the embarrassment of lacking the means for your purpose. This book will not only inspire you but will empower you with principles that work.
“The results were immediate and residual. A surge of entrepreneurial energy empowered my men. Many in my congregation now realize they have options and need not be stuck in meaningless jobs — going through the motions of life. They’re implementing new idea and strategies in their life.”
— George Sawyer, Author and Lead Pastor
“At one of the lowest points of my life, this book gave me a new understanding of my life’s purpose and work. I now enjoy debt-free living. With complete freedom from the base needs of life I am now enjoying the rewards of living on purpose and for a purpose financially.”
— Keith Glines, KeithGlines.com