Pray Like A Son
Description: 6″ x 9″; Paperback; 68 pages.
Previously Listed Price: $15
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Pray Like A Son
I wanted to name this book, Pray Like a Man. However, as I began to study, meditate, and ask the Holy Spirit what to write and convey on prayer, I felt strongly to look at the pattern of how Jesus prayed.
Jesus prayed like no one before Him. He approached God, the Holy One of Israel, saying, “Father….”
This approach to prayer was a radical shift in the concept of praying. So much so that the Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemy. Who dared call YHWH Father?
Most of us want our prayers to be heard, received, and returned in the affirmative. No one had a better grasp of having His prayers heard than Jesus. So, He is our model of prayer.
This teaching is to help you position yourself in the identity of sonship so that you can pray to your Father and be heard. By the conclusion of this teaching, I hope you radically change your position to step up to sonship and pray like a son.