Turn the World Upside Down

Turn the World Upside Down

Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

Of all of the strategies that Jesus could have employed, he recruited a small group of men to challenge the cultures of religion and of secular community. These men became so effective they were accused of ‘turning the world upside down.‘

“But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city officials, shouting: “These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here, and Jason has welcomed them into his house.” – Acts 17:6 (NIV)

We need a new global inversion.

We need to turn the world upside down.

We need to challenge the modern church calibration of building audiences. We need to confront the secular, anti-man culture, go into the marketplace and build the ekklesia.

We should establish a base of understanding before we can fully embrace the calling and commission of reaching men. It starts with a new understanding of the Church, or a more accurate description of what the ekklesia is called to do.

As we know and would all agree, the Church’s influence on modern culture is anemic and stale. This doesn’t make sense when you read what the Church is empowered by and commissioned to do. We are not going to attempt to solve every issue that the Church is facing. But our objective is to be very clear and concise in how to turn Challengers into Champions.

Today, when we hear the word, Church, some will think of Rome, or a particular denomination that they were raised in. However, the Greek word for Church, is ekklesia. The origin of the word was not religious at all. By the time, Jesus said, “I will build my Church,” the word ekklesia had been familiar in the secular sense of an agency operating in the marketplace.

So, to be very clear, our goal is to move men from an audience participation to a redemption agency for cultural change.

Our goal is to move men from audience participation to a redemption agency for cultural change.

As followers of Christ, we are literally called to become men who reach men.

The Enemy Called Average

As my friend, John Mason says, “We have an enemy called Average.”

For the most part, the Church has lost its ability to excel in reaching men because men are not attracted to an average lifestyle of compromising values and complacency.

When Jesus made the call, “Come follow me and I will make you…,” He wasn’t calling adventurous, entrepreneurial, and motivated men to step down into a life of comfort and ease.

I don’t believe that you are an average guy. I have confidence that God has called you to greater things. You’re not satisfied to sit back and watch this culture go to hell. Literally.

It is time for us to step up to the commission of reaching men. And we’ve created a very simple, practical, and effective way to make that happen.


I want to warn you. So many men try to overcomplicate this. It is not complicated, nor should it be.

If you will follow the steps that are communicated in this short teaching, you will reach more men than you ever dreamed possible. Are your family members—fathers, sons, brothers, cousins—are your friends and coworkers worth it?


You can be used by God to lead men to the 45-Day Challenge and then see them become Champions to lead others.

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