Day 41 | Adventurous Spirit

The Field Of Contest Calls You!

Within every man is a spirit of adventure. It is who you are and how you are made.  You were sculptured from the clay and it is where you relate to other men.   Men relate shoulder-to-shoulder facing challenges.  The Bible says that men sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron.  You are sharpened not by the caress but by the clash with other men.

On the field of contest, you are challenged to dig deep, to fight through fears, to exercise aching muscles, and to face your opposition.  The risk is something that calls for you – it summons you to the dual.

Come on!  Get up and face it.  Get dirty.  Risk the injury.  Will you get hurt?  Maybe.  Will you learn something about yourself?  Absolutely!


Schedule a real adventure!


  1. Brandon on December 3, 2020 at 7:49 am

    My favorite thing – adventure. Going to schedule a family excursion for next summer.

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