Day 43 | Gallant in Relationships

Live The Love Life!

No man can be authentic without expressing love in his relationships.  You are the source of love for your family.  They need to not only hear you say it but also see you express it.

A gallant man is honorable in his relationships.  He relates to women who are older as his mother.  He honors a young woman has his own daughter.  He treats his peers as his sister.  The only woman who gets the intimacy of his eyes and the passion of his loins is his wife.

A man who loves his wife and children will not do anything to bring harm to his family.  DO NOT SURRENDER YOUR DIGNITY by being dishonorable.


Tell your family that you love them.


  1. Lou Bilac on March 14, 2012 at 8:10 am

    Just this morning in a devotion from The upper Room, the scripture was fromMark 12:28-34 ” Love your neighbor as yourself. Too many people today for whatever reason, people today do not seem to love themselves. Not in a false self esteem way but in the way that scripture says in Ist Corn 6: 19-20 . We are holy temples. When we see how much we are worth to God, We can love others, especially those who love us the most , better, and mean what we say when we say “I LOVE YOU “

  2. Brandon on December 10, 2020 at 7:27 am

    Do it all the time.

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